Publikováno: 02.01.2025
COLORful Christmas
In December we are definitely not bored in COLOR. On the contrary, we always want to get as much done as possible and we have done it once again!
Our Christmas marathon started already in November, when on 29.11. we had a Christmas party for our employees. For the third year we were guests in the Pod Zámkem Restaurant in Boskovice. Everything went well! There was no shortage of delicious buffet, fun raffle and great company. We enjoy when company events are a success.
In the first week of December we treated our good employees with a small snack, because it was St. Nicholas day! We also hosted a Christmas fair in cooperation with Betany Boskovice. It was magical! Thank you to the clients from Betany for giving us their time and preparing so many beautiful products for us! A big thank you also goes to our employees for coming to support the Betany clients and buying something nice for the Advent season! We really didn't expect such a crowd.
And last but not least, as is already customary, we held a Christmas fundraiser during Advent. This time we made local children and abandoned cats happy. We would like to thank all our employees who participated in the collection. Whether you contributed a gift for the children or for the abandoned cats, we thank you and appreciate it!